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I Just want to share with you My vision of fashion, beauty and healthy life. Follow me, enjoy and feel free to leave a comment.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hello My Followers- Eat Like Cat :)

 Some people have wrong opinion of healthy food. Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. It's about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood and keeping yourself as healthy as possible.
  As you can see from my blog, I really like healthy food and to live healthy life. When I was a child, instead of sweets like other children, I was obsessed with fruits. My grandmother was always preparing Dalmatian foods for us, it's including a lot of vegetables, fish, lean meat and spiced with plenty of olive oil, rosemary, basil, dill and a little sea salt. Fortunately I have a good metabolism and genetic predisposition to be slim, which is very important.
   Now, when I am older, nothing has change. My menu consists: complex carbohydrates, fish, a lot of fruits and vegetables, all of nuts, lean meat and beefsteak. I eat 5-6 times a day, I have 3 main meals, and 2-3 snacks. 
  Breakfast is the most important, and those people who skip it, they wrong. It's no good.
   I usually eat ceralies for breakfast, with dried fruits like blueberries, dates, figs, papaya,mango.. I also put nuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds, labels coconut,  non fat yogurt or soy milk.  I put a little bit of everything that I wrote here. For lunch  HUGE fresh salad, as many different vegetables, grilled vegetables ( eggplant, asparagus, zucchini, artichokes, paprika), or boiled vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini). With some of these, I also eat fish, or lean meet, or pulses, or integral noodles with pesto or tomato sauce. For dinner I eat somethimes sushi or vegetable soup, non fat cheese with vegetables, or rissoto with integral rice and squid, or something of this above. I also have a machine for making bread, simply insert a variety of integral  flour, some water and bread is ready for an hour, no piles of dirty dishes, no mixing.
   For snacks I usually eat fruits, currently cheeries :)), I love it so much. I also eat other fruits, like figs, pineapple, peaches, mango, grapes, all of berries, plums. NJAMI:)) Than I usually eat dark diet chocolate, you can see on my blog posts about it. I also eat diet chocolate ice cream or soy ice cream. I drink a lot of natural water, freshly squeezed fruits. No coffee, no alcohol, no white ( bread, rice, sugar, salt) !
  That will be short story about food and healthy life. Of course, if you wanna ask me something, don't be shy :)), I would like to help you. 


  1. Svaka čast na ovako zdravoj ishrani! Ja pokušavam da se isto zdravo hranim, ali volim ponekad i malo slatkiša da pojedem što se i vidi na mojoj građi. U svakom slučaju protivnik sam dijeta već čovek mora kod sebe da izgradi pravilan odnos prema zdravom životu i ishrani koji kod tebe odlično funkcioniše! :)

    1. Hvala puno :)! Slazem se, pogotovo sto je svaki organizam prica za sebe i sigurno da neka vrsta dijete ma koliko efikasna bila ne moze da odgovara svakome. Mnogo je zdravije i efikasnije korigovati ishranu i negde pronaci balans izmedju onoga sto volimo i onoga sto je zdravo.
